Have you ever wanted some information about something or somewhere which you cannot find them on the internet? Some information which could possibly be sent to you by others remotely. Have you ever thought about how wonderful it would be if you could request for photos and videos from anywhere and get them immediately? Trivyol is built to facilitate that. It enables people to request for photos, videos, and information from anywhere at any time. Others who perform the requests can earn some extra money.
Whether you plan to go on vacation to a new place where you can’t easily find information for, or want to know how an event that you planned for looks like before you want to head out, or even wondering how busy some places like DMVs and restaurants are in order to avoid a long wait-time. For any of these cases and a lot more, you can simply use the Trivyol app which would give you instant visibility and real-time information.
Trivyol has launched its products as website, iOS, and Android and has grown to thousands of users over the past 6 months. Users have already started to take advantage of the system by requesting and/or responding to the photo requests.
Trivyol was first started by two data scientists as a side project, with a background in astrophysics and engineering. They then left their day time job and fully focused on Trivyol and grew to a team now. The team now is planning to transfer Trivyol to a platform for on-demand information, a platform which enables instant visibility through real-time photo, video, and texts.
Check us out at https://www.trivyol.com/
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